Our resource library is an extensive collection of over 100 documents and guides designed to help individuals navigate today's most challenging financial issues. It offers step-by-step guides and valuable information to address the most frequently asked financial questions, making it an essential tool for anyone striving to achieve their financial goals. Upon joining, members gain free access to this comprehensive library, which includes popular resources such as detailed guides on building credit, credit dispute templates, and collection dispute templates. Whether you're beginning your financial rebuilding journey or have been working on it for some time, our resource library offers the knowledge and tools necessary for your success. Requirements: For Change Financial Membership (don't worry it is FREE!) What topics we address: - Bankruptcy - Budgeting - Collections - Credit - Debt - Disputing Credit - Financial Guides - Foreclosures - Identity Theft - Mortgages - Repossession - Student Loans - Taxes We continuously expand and enhance this library to provide our members with the necessary resources for making well-informed decisions. We are commitment to quality ensures that every addition to the library is meticulously vetted and up-to-date.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app